STRATIS intERim Practitioner Panel
STRATIS has established a panel of high quality IR/ER Practitioners that deliver specific projects for employers in Ireland. They are available on a full time basis for fixed projects e.g. ranging from 3-12 months or can work a number of agreed days per week.
The nature of assignments will vary but by way of example STRATIS has supported employers to:
develop the strategy and lead (or support) the management team in negotiations with Trade Unions on issues such as pay, work practice changes or other changes to remuneration including pensions issues.
implement a major redundancy or restructuring programme.
manage casework of employee relations issues across the organisation (Grievance, Disciplinary, Absence management, performance management, investigations etc)
handle a TUPE situation for the Transferor or Transferee
provide cover for staff who may be absent for specific periods of time
We will ensure that the specific need is matched by the necessary capability and experience set. Our Panel operate with oversight by a designated STRATIS Partner for support and guidance as required.
Examples of recent assignments include:
Site Closure Support
We were contracted to provide 6 months interim cover to support a site closure announcement. This has included initial preparations, information and consultation and finalising a site closure agreement with employee representatives.
Provision of Interim Support for HR Director During Maternity Leave Cover
We are currently providing interim ER support during a period of maternity leave. This has involved taking responsibility for managing the ER agenda ensuring that issues are progressed in line with established agreements and commitments.
TUPE Support
We were contracted to support a significant parallel TUPE and collective redundancy process. This included a full engagement with the Transferor and Transferee and up front support for both Management Teams during the negotiations process and effective co-ordination of all strands through to a conclusion.
Major Restructuring Support
This assignment required an on-site presence for 7 months to support the delivery of major work practice changes, including a review of key elements of a collective agreement, severance terms and roles and responsibilities. A Facilitation process involving the WRC ultimately led to a new comprehensive agreement between the employer and the 2 Unions involved.
If you require specific intERim support or assistance in any of these arenas please do not hesitate to contact us in total confidence:
Brendan McGinty - Managing Partner M +353 87 2433038
E brendan.mcginty@stratis.ie
Liam Doherty - Senior Partner M+353 87 233 6476
Brendan Mc Carthy - Senior Partner M +353 87 254 8167
E brendan.mccarthy@stratis.ie