Managing Performance: Building Capability at the Front Line
Managing performance is about achieving results through people, and line managers need a strong capability in “getting the best from...

Affordability Will Inform Private Sector Pay Amidst Covid-19
A Quick Recap The unprecedented shock to the Irish economy from Covid-19 has impacted on all aspects of Irish society. Whole swathes of...

Why Your Engagement Model is Essential to HR Strategy and Business Success
Introduction We have all heard the phrase “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. The phrase is widely accredited to Peter Drucker and...

Enabling High Performance – It’s all in the Mind
Introduction Why do the best sports people in the world have psychological coaches? How is it that people perform differently on...

A 'Right to Disconnect' Must Be Informed By 'Evidence' Rather Than 'Populism'
New Measures to Support New Ways of Working The Irish Government has committed in its Programme for Government to bringing forward...

Public Sector Pay - A Time for Pause and Analysis in the Face of Rising Debt
In September the Public Sector Unions and Senior Public Servants from Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DEPER) and the...

Selection – Risks and Strategies Associated With Selection and Non-selection
Start with the end in mind… Whenever an organisation is contemplating any decision in respect of an employee, consideration must be given...

'Remote Working' is an Opportunity to Reimagine Work Organisation
The experience of many workers of working from home during the Covid-19 crisis has led to a greater interest in remote working...

Affordability Will Inform for Private Sector Pay Post Covid-19
A Quick Recap The unprecedented shock to the Irish economy from Covid-19 has impacted on all aspects of Irish society. Whole swathes of...