Employers Should Reign in Escalating Pay Costs
Labour costs are a key factor in determining competitiveness. After years of moderate growth, labour costs have started to increase at a...
WRC Work Programme 2020 Raises Some Opportunities for Change
The Board of the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) is required to review the performance of the Commission over the previous year...
Pathway to a Successor to the Public Sector Stability Agreement (PSSA) – What Should Be Different?
During 2020 the new Government when it takes office will be engaging with Public Sector Unions on a successor to the Public Sector...
The Legislative Programme of a New Government May Include a Focus on Important Employment Issues of
The next Programme for Government will likely see a significant legislative focus on a range of employment issues in the areas of...
If There is a Coronavirus Outbreak What Should Employers be Thinking About?
In recent days the potential for a coronavirus outbreak has grown and it is prudent for employers to consider what actions may be taken...
We Need to Safeguard Independent Contracting
On the 19.02.20, Brendan McGinty, Managing Partner of Stratis Consulting had the privilege of participating in a discussion on “The...
Operating Compressed Hours (Four Day Work Week) – What Are The issues?
Several campaigns by trade unions, and in particular Public Sector Trade Unions, with the support of environmental groups are evident in...
Proposed Gender Pay Gap Legislation
In our most recent “Client Update” we provided an update and review of the IR and ER landscape. Over the next few weeks we’ll share our...
Is there tentative interest in a new national social dialogue?
In our most recent “Client Update” we provided an update and review of the IR and ER landscape. Over the next few weeks we’ll share our...
Employers Need to Challenge Escalating Pay Costs
In our most recent “Client Update” we provided an update and review of the IR and ER landscape. Over the next few weeks we’ll share our...